Breast Lift

A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is used to address ptotic or sagging breasts, characterized by a loss of tone and a downward droop. This condition is commonly caused by factors such as pregnancy and breastfeeding but can also result from significant weight fluctuations due to dieting, illness, or bariatric surgery.
When a woman’s breasts exhibit significant sagging, a breast lift alone may effectively resolve the issue. However, it is important to note that the procedure primarily lifts the breasts without restoring or replacing lost volume or tone. As a result, in many cases, incorporating a small implant can offer additional firmness and enhance cleavage.
Dr. Christine Rodgers and Dr. Cecelia Nguyen are dedicated to guiding patients toward their desired outcomes with breast lifts in Denver, Colorado. Both doctors conduct thorough consultations to explore all available options in detail. They take great care in assisting patients in selecting the appropriate implant size to avoid potential complications, such as nipple vascularity issues. Leveraging their extensive expertise and compassionate approach, they often perform combined breast lift and implant procedures in a single stage, ensuring optimal results for their patients.
As with all surgeries, there are certain risks involved. During your initial consultation, Dr. Rodgers and Dr. Nguyen will discuss the procedure, realistic potential results, and any possible risks to ensure you make an informed decision.