Pre-Treatment Instructions:

  • Come to your appointment well hydrated and prepared to provide a urine sample to verify that you do not have an infection and are not pregnant.
  • If you have a current infection, please reschedule your appointment until after you have completed your full course of antibiotics.
  • Although the diVa treatment takes 5-10 minutes to treat the full vaginal wall tissue, expect your appointment time to last up to an hour for a quick pelvic exam, adequate numbing time, and symptom assessment.
  • A topical gel anesthetic will be used to maximize your comfort during the procedure.

Post-Treatment Instructions:

  • Spotting may occur. This can last for a few hours – 36 hours depending on the treatment depth.
  • Immediately after treatment, you will be given a pad to wear. Pinkish colored discharge may occur. This can last for a few hours – 72 hours depending on the treatment depth.
  • The treatment area may be extremely warm for 12-24 hours after the treatment. Cold compresses or ice packs may provide comfort during this time.
  • Immediately after treatment, swelling is common and expected. Use of a cold compress or ice pack helps relieve the swelling.
  • You may return to your normal daily routine, including showering immediately following the procedure. Avoid harsh soaps and cleansers.
  • Refrain from sexual intercourse, vaginal penetration, douching, use of tampons, pool and hot tubs for up to 48 hours or until spotting or discharge has stopped.
  • Some patients experience sunburn or chaffed sensation for a few days. A thin layer application of Aquaphor can alleviate this sensation.
  • Some patients experience mild cramping up to 24-48 hours. Post treatment discomfort may be relieved by over the counter oral pain relievers; i.e. Extra Strength Tylenol
  • Itching may be experienced during the healing phase and is completely normal. Oral Benadryl or other anti-histamine may help itching. DO NOT scratch the treated area as scarring complications.